Songs of the Northern Ireland Conflict
Loyalist albums
Loyalist songbooks
Irish republican songs
Orange – Loyalist Songbook – Published by the Shankill Defense Association
Loyalist songbook
Songbook first published in1970
Tribute to the loyal sons of Ulster who died for the defence of the country
I have often thought
Our Children
Unfurl the Orange Banner
St Bartholomew’s Day
Come All You Young Protestants
Upside Down
All Kinds of Everything
The Ould Orange Flute – Crumlin Hotel
Cartoon of H.M.S. Prison
The Ould Orange Flute
A Wee Spot in Europe
Epitaph for Herbert Roy
A Lament for David Linton
Rule Britannia
The Sash My Father Wore
Shankill Will Be Shankill
A Tribute to Jackie Todd
Our Union Jack
Handwritten note on inside back cover
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