
Post Category: Resources

Bailie, Stuart. (2018). Trouble Songs: Music and Conflict in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Bloomfield.

Campbell, Sean. (2020). ‘Agitate, Educate, Organise’: Partisanship, Popular Music and the Northern Ireland Conflict. Popular Music, 39(2), 233-256.

Cooper, David. (2001). On the Twelfth of July in the Morning… (Or the Man Who Mistook His Sash for a Hat). Folk Music Journal, 8(1), 67–89.

Cooper, David. (2010). The Musical Traditions of Northern Ireland and its Diaspora. Farnham: Ashgate.

Dowling, Martin. (2009). ‘Troubled Voices’. A Troubles Archive Essay. Belfast: Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

Green, Clare Alexandra. (2019). ‘Identity, Authority and Myth-Making: Politically-Motivated Prisoners and the use of Music During the Northern Irish Conflict, 1962-2000’. PhD Dissertation, Queen Mary, University of London.

Green, Clare Alexandra. (2020). ‘It’s All Over: Romantic Relationships, Endurance and Loyalty in the Songs of Northern Irish Politically- Motivated Prisoners’. Estudios Irlandeses, 14, 70-82.

Hanvey, Bobbie. (2009). ‘The Oul’ Orange and Green: Songs from Republican and Loyalist Traditions in Ireland’. A Troubles Archive Essay. Belfast: Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

‘Long Kesh’. (2002). Between the Ears. BBC Radio 3, March 3.

McCann, May. (1985). ‘The Past in the Present: A Study of Some Aspects of the Politics of

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McCann, May. (1995). ‘Music and Politics in Ireland: The Specificity of the Folk Revival in

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McCann, Stephen. (Forthcoming). ‘An Oral History of Republicans and Musical Culture

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Millar, Stephen R. (2017). ‘Irish Republican Music and (Post)Colonial Schizophrenia’. Popular Music and Society, 40(1): 75–88.

Millar, Stephen R. (2018). ‘“Music Is My AK-47”: Performing Resistance in Belfast’s Rebel Music Scene’. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(2): 348–65.

Millar, Stephen R. (2020). Sounding Dissent: Rebel Songs, Resistance, and Irish Republicanism. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Millar, Stephen R. and Evropi Chatzipanagiotidou. (2021). ‘From Belfast to the Somme (and Back Again):  Loyalist Paramilitaries, Political Song, and Reverberations of Violence’. Ethnomusicology Forum. 30(2): 246-265.

Moore, Christy. (2003). One Voice: My Life in Song. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

Moore, Paul. (2003). ‘Sectarian Sound and Cultural Identity in Northern Ireland’. In The

Auditory Culture Reader, edited by Michael Bull and Les Back, 265–79. Oxford: Berg.

Ó Cadhla, Seán. (2017). ‘“Then to Death Walked, Softly Smiling”: Violence and Martyrdom in Modern Irish Republican Ballads’. Ethnomusicology,61 (2): 262–86.

Ó Cadhla, Seán. (2017). ‘“Young Men of Erin, Our Dead Are Calling”: Death, Immortality and the Otherworld in Modern Irish Republican Ballads. Studi irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies 7 (7): 113-144.

Parfitt, Richard. (2020). Musical Culture and the Spirit of Irish Nationalism, 1848-1972. London: Routledge.

Pietzonka, Katrin. (2013). And the Healing Has Begun: A Musical Journey Towards Peace in Northern Ireland. Bloomington, IN: Author House.  

Radford, Katy. (2002). ‘Loyal Sounds: Music as a Marker of Identity in Protestant West Belfast’. PhD Dissertation, Queen’s University Belfast.

Radford, Katy. (2004). ‘Red, White, Blue and Orange: An Exploration of Historically

Bound Allegiances through Loyalist Song.” World of Music 46 (1): 71–89.

Rolston, Bill. (1999). ‘Music and Politics in Ireland. The Case of Loyalism’. In Politics and

Performance in Contemporary Northern Ireland, edited by John P. Harrington and Eliz-

abeth J. Mitchell, 29–56. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Rolston, Bill. (2001). ‘“This Is Not a Rebel Song’: The Irish Conflict and Popular Music’.

Race & Class 42 (3): 49–67.

Scott, Derek B. (2013). ‘Irish Nationalism, British Imperialism, and Popular Song’. In Twentieth-Century Music and Politics: Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds, edited by

Pauline Fairclough, 231–48. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.

Warfield, Brian. (2018). The Ramblings of an Irish Ballad Singer. Dublin: Skin Music.

Wilson, David. (2005). ‘Ulster Loyalism and Country Music, 1969–85’. In Country Music Goes to War, edited by Charles K. Wolfe and James E. Akenson, 192–207. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press. Zimmermann, Georges Denis. (1967). Songs of Irish Rebellion. Dublin: Figgis.